What to Do When Ear Wax Causes a Problem

Healthy ears have built-in self-cleaning features. Ear wax – medically known as cerumen – is secreted by ear canal glands and is constantly travelling from deep in the ear canal toward the ear opening, where it eventually drops out. In the meantime, it acts like a conveyor belt, catching dead skin cells, tiny hairs that line the ear canal and other microscopic debris before they reach the eardrum. It also traps moisture, helping prevent ear infections and protecting the eardrum from irritation.
When earwax accumulates in large amounts, it can cause problems, including a sensation of fullness in the ear or muffled hearing. It can also block the ear canal, a condition called impacted ear wax. A health care provider, usually an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist, can remove impacted wax with a special tool called an otoscope. They may first have to soften the wax with ear wax-softening drops. To find out more about Ear wax removal Sutton Coldfield, visit https://www.earwax.co.uk/ear-wax-removal-near-me/sutton-coldfield/
To help avoid ear wax buildup, health care providers recommend that people clean only the outer part of their ears. They should not use cotton swabs or their fingers to try to clean the ear canal. Sticking objects into the ear canal compacts ear wax and can lead to impaction or an ear infection. Instead, they should stand or sit with their head tilted and place a few drops of mineral oil, baby oil, glycerin or 3 percent hydrogen peroxide into the ear. After a few minutes, they should tip their head and allow the liquid to drain out of the ear.