How to Cure Anxiety Without Pills? Follow These Tips

Anxiety is a normal emotional state that allows us to face the demands of everyday life. However, when anxiety frequently appears exaggerated and excessive, for no apparent real reason, we may be facing what may be a possible anxiety disorder. Anxiety manifests itself through strong feelings of fear and restlessness in the face of certain situations that are lived and experienced as threatening and dangerous. How to cure anxiety without pills? There are several ways to face anxiety without the need to use medications to combat it.
How to cure anxiety without pills?
Exercise daily. One of the ways to treat anxiety without pills is through physical exercise, since it allows your body to release excess accumulated energy, while generating the release of endorphins. Endorphin, also known as the hormone of happiness, is responsible for reducing pain and increasing joy.
Practice relaxation techniques
Start working with your breath. When you feel like anxiety is about to be triggered, try to relax. Start inhaling air through the nose and into the lower stomach below the diaphragm. In this way, the lower part of the stomach is inflated, allowing the rib cage to expand. Try to focus on the air travel in your body, then exhale slowly through your mouth, feeling the air come out of your body. Try to stay doing this exercise until the anxiety subsides. It is recommended that this exercise be performed daily for at least 10 minutes.
If you wish, you can incorporate relaxing music to facilitate concentration. Techniques such as Yoga and Tai Chí are also considered of vital importance to decrease anxiety.
Try to keep as calm as possible when you perceive that anxiety is increasing. You must learn to recognize which are the situations that generate an increase in anxiety, in order to control them. Although anxiety can be present most of the time, there are situations that encourage a considerable increase in this emotion.
Do one task at a time
Try to focus on a task and do it with ease and dedication. One of the main characteristics of anxiety is the need to perform several tasks at the same time, which leads to the body being in a constant level of tension. Therefore, it is important to dedicate a certain time to each task and learn to control the need to do multiple tasks at the same time.
Take care of your body and your mind
You must recognize your time and energy limitations. You should not overload yourself with tasks that you cannot do, and try not to burden yourself with thoughts that foster feelings of guilt for not being able to do all the tasks. Try to keep positive thoughts.
Avoid consuming products that contain caffeine. Caffeine stimulates adrenaline secretion, favoring increased anxiety. Instead, it is recommended to consume herbs and medicinal plants such as anise, ampaola, lavender. Melissa or lemon balm are especially recommended for these cases, since they produce a sedative and calming effect on the body.
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