How to Look Younger? Follow These Tricks That Work Fine

Although each face has an undeniable natural beauty, as the years go by certain imperfections appear and ageing begins to show. The skin and body change and some wrinkles, gray hair, sagging appear. Fortunately, there are always tricks that will allow us to get the most out of ourselves and look younger, in addition to having an attitude that makes us feel younger. Thus, makeup, hair tone or dress will be crucial to get rid of one year.
In the following article, we will talk about how to look younger with little tricks that enhance the figure and bring light to the face and hair.
How to look younger?
If you have days when you feel that you have aged a lot or that your appearance seems to be that of someone older than the age you really are and you want to remedy it, take note of these lines because we are going to give you a series of tricks to make up your makeup With the tones that favor you the most, opt for the most rejuvenating hair colors and dress with the garments that most contribute to your figure.
Some tips to look younger are:
- Opt for light and dark hair colors with highlights, redheads combined with chestnut or chestnut with blonde.
- Make up with compound products based on primer, light base and soft tones.
- Wear clothes of your size that enhance your curves, wear jeans, knee length dresses, etc.
Put on makeup to look younger
Makeup can achieve true wonders, with it we can hide a tired face, blemishes or look younger. There are several makeup tricks to look younger:
Use a hydrating primer
This step is very important because it serves to prepare the face for the base and to soften the expression lines, unwanted textures and wrinkles and, thus, will rejuvenate the skin remarkably. Apply it evenly all over your face and neck.
Very light foundation for mature skin
We recommend combining a liquid base with a moistened sponge (soak it in water and drain it, making sure that there is no liquid left). Makeup sponges are the perfect choice for this skin type because they absorb the foundation and prevent dryness.
Apply concealers
There are different types and you must choose the one you need. For example, if you have any granite, use a green concealer, if you have a yellowish skin choose the purple concealer, to cover dark circles choose an orange one and for dark circles, choose a yellow or pink one.
Rejuvenates the look taking care of the eyebrows
Over the years the eyebrows lose hair and become thinner, that is why we can make up with an eyebrow pencil as similar to our tone and always lightly tapping, not marking them much and making them as natural as possible. For example, if your hair is dark, use a slightly lighter pencil.
Use your eyeshadow well
Put on a shadow primer to smooth the wrinkles of the eyelids, this step will also make your shadows last longer. Apply darker colors to the outer third of your eyelid and lighter shadows to the inner parts. Important! Don’t use dark colors on the line around the lower lashes so your eyes don’t look droopy.
Eyeliner and mascara
With an eyeliner or eyeliner, follow the natural line at the top of the eyelash and outline it. For light skin, perhaps a brown shade is better than black because it will look more natural. Then curl the lashes and apply a mascara with volume. Thus, you will enhance the eyes and look younger.
Contour your face
over the years the volume of the cheeks is reduced and sagging appears, which gives the face a more aged and tired appearance. That is why it is very important to apply a little powder contour under the cheekbones from the top of the ears to the mouth, always moving away from the outer edge of the eye. To apply the blush, just smile and put it in the central part of the cheek with small circular touches of the brush to the ears.
Make up your lips to look younger
Lips become thinner as the years go by, so it is important to outline them above the natural lip line and fill them with neutral, beige or pink tones for light skin, dark tones, browns, pinks, peaches or mauve for medium-toned faces and red, brown or violet colors for dark skin. Matte shades are not recommended on mature skin because they highlight wrinkles and, in addition, it is better to use lip gloss.
Hair colors to look younger
Color, shape and hair care will be essential to have a shiny, voluminous mane that makes us look younger. Regarding haircuts to look younger, choose:
- The middle mane, at the height of the shoulders.
- The bob cut.
- Long wavy hair.
All these forms of cut and hairstyles rejuvenate a lot, but in addition to cutting and care, the most important thing is the color we wear. What more rejuvenates hair colors?
- If you have light or medium-toned skin, go for light hair colors. Chestnut, golden blonde or beige blonde. Another more daring option is a red color with a golden reflection. However, very blonde colors can age more light skin, be careful with this detail.
- If you have darker or tan skin tones, browns and hazelnuts, giving them reflections in beige and blonde tones, can sit very well or, a redhead with brown highlights. Avoid muted tones because they will not bring light and will harden your features. If you want to bet on black hair do not leave it in a flat tone because it ages the face, give it more luminosity.
You will have to resort to various techniques to add luminosity to your hair , such as the Californian highlights , balayage or gradients. Here are some more tips:
- Chestnut with golden blonde highlights will always be the perfect option. Or, you can go for a chestnut base with blonde California highlights or balayage.
- For a half-length baby light highlights will be perfect. It is a tone that imitates the natural reflection of the hair, especially the one that occurs in summer. A clear base with a white wick will give you a very youthful touch and add shine to your features.
- The gradient technique (dark base and lightens to the ends) will help brighten hair, rejuvenating and hiding gray hair. If you do not want to opt for blondes, this option will be yours.
- Also keep in mind that the colors that age the most are those that look artificial, such as fat dark or white highlights, a bad mix of colors that turn off your hair and face or poorly treated blondes that turn yellowish, without luminosity.
Final tips
To finish with these tips on how to look younger, we focus on the look or the types of clothing that are best to wear. Take note of how to dress to look younger :
- Always choose your appropriate size. Do not wear larger sizes because they will not enhance your figure and you will not be favored. The same if you choose less size than you spend, the garment will not fit you and you will not be comfortable with the result.
- Opt for daring, young and stylish looks. For example, wear plain jeans, both dark and light. To the look you can add a nice belt, for example, a brown one with a gold buckle, and a shirt inside. Complement with a blazer and a neck scarf in a color that contrasts with the shirt and jacket. The shirt can also be worn on the outside. Some shoes (it doesn’t take much heel) will be the finishing touch of the outfit.
- The patterns that rejuvenate the most are the discreet ones. But, if you want to use very colorful and large prints, combine them with another smooth, single-coloured garment. For example, wear a very patterned skirt with a white blouse. The accessories that most favor, generally, are the small ones to perfectly complement this type of outfit, but they will depend a lot on the final look you are looking for.
- Opt for textures and contrasts. Do not be afraid to bet on garments printed with animal print, with textures of silk, leather, etc. If you use, a brightly colored scarf or a blouse of that style, dress sober to counter. For example, opt for a striking blouse with black pants or skirt, or wear a garish scarf with a dark dress.
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