How to Stay Awake Naturally for a Long Time Without Medication

Exam time is approaching and many students spend whole nights studying tirelessly. Some do it out of preference since their habits are nocturnal and they pay more, while others do it out of obligation, as they combine their studies with a job that leaves them no more time to study. So, we explain how to support sleep with different methods. Do you want to discover how to stay awake? Do not lose the detail of this article.
How to stay awake?
If you are studying, you have a night job that is difficult for you to carry or you have just slept little and you can sleep, we will tell you how to stay awake with some simple tips.
The big question in exam time is always how to stay awake to study. The main thing is that your body is hydrated, so you have to drink plenty of water. Dehydration leads to episodes of fatigue, tiredness, dizziness and weakness that will eventually affect your ability to study, so keep a bottle of water on hand.
Drinking water has been proven to increase your energy, as blood flow helps your body transport the nutrients and oxygen necessary for your brain to work optimally and healthy and help you perform better.
Go for a walk
If the dream is about to expire, we advise you to go out for a walk. A walk will activate your blood circulation and venous return, thus reducing the symptoms of physical fatigue.
If the feeling of drowsiness is too strong, you may need a slightly more intense physical activity such as jogging a little or combining the walk with small exercises such as jumps, squats, arm movements, etc. After a short activity of about 15 minutes, you will feel more awake and you can continue with your task.
Eat something healthy
If you need to stay awake, we advise you to avoid large dinners, as they will make you drowsy and it will be very difficult for you not to fall into Morpheus arms. On the other hand, you should not stay without eating either, since the lack of sugar will lead your body to a state of exhaustion that will prevent you from concentrating.
The healthiest option is to eat snacks rich in protein and fiber such as carrot, apple, avocado, peanut butter remember to eat little and often.
Breath deeply
Taking deep breaths helps transfer more oxygen to different parts of your body, including the brain, thereby increasing energy and stimulating the immune system.
If you need to stay awake longer, take several deep breaths and completely exhale all the air. Breathing deeply will also help you reduce stress and anxiety.
Listen to some music
When you listen to music, your brain reacts by releasing endorphins, chemicals that stimulate it and eliminate the feeling of tiredness and mental fatigue. Music also helps you keep your mind on the alert.
Our recommendation is that you listen to a varied playlist and that you avoid relaxing or monotonous rhythms that may increase the sensation of sleep.
Look into a bright light
When we talk about looking towards the light, we refer to screens with blue light. The light emitted by the screens of devices such as mobile phones, computers or tablets interfere with the production of melatonin, which is why they act causing an interruption in the natural cycle of sleep.
If you have the feeling that sleep is defeating you, take a look at your mobile, computer or tablet for a while, as this will help you stay awake for longer.
Chew gum
If you wonder how to stay awake all night, chew gum. Numerous studies have shown that chewing gum increases blood circulation and activates brain regions that keep you alert. All this will help you reduce drowsiness and stay awake longer.
If you are in exam time, this tip will be great, since chewing gum you can avoid taking exciting drinks like coffee, a product that can increase your nervousness and play against you.
If you have to be awake but can’t go out for a walk or a little run, take the opportunity to mark a dance with your favorite song. Activate the body vigorously when you are at the maximum level of drowsiness, as this will decrease the feeling of fatigue that you perceive.
This is possible thanks to the release of endorphins by the body and the increased feeling of euphoria that occurs. If you choose a song with rhythm and that motivates you, the energy recharge will be even greater. In this case, it may also help you to discover some cardio exercises to do at home.
Sit up straight
If you want to know how to stay awake in class after an intense night, one of the most important measures you can take is to sit upright in your chair. Maintaining a stooped position will increase the sensation of sleep and physical tiredness. In addition, there is a scientific explanation, and that is that when you acquire a bent posture, the brain receives less oxygen, up to 30% less compared to when you feel straight.
Drinks not to sleep
If you need to stay up all night and none of the above options works for you, you can always go for a drink that will help you stay awake. These are some of the most frequent:
Coffee: The essential to spend the night awake. Drink a well-loaded coffee and you’ll be awake all night. In principle, if the coffee is strong, you shouldn’t need more than one to stay awake, but here is influenced by the constitution of each person and the tolerance they have to caffeine.
Energy Drinks: These drinks are a favorite for students who need to spend the entire night studying. We recommend taking them with caution, not abusing them and, above all, not combining them with other exciting drinks such as coffee or caffeinated soft drinks. Ginseng or guarana-based energy drinks are the most effective.
Soft drinks with caffeine: Another classic to endure without sleep is cola with caffeine. Its effect will depend, as in coffee, on how these types of drinks affect your body. There are people who drink a glass and cannot sleep through the night, and others who need more.
Infusions with theine: Infusions such as green tea or ginger tea are the perfect option if you do not like coffee or do not like carbonated drinks.
It is important that you do not abuse these drinks and space the shots or use them only for specific moments such as before an important exam. The abuse of this type of drink is not healthy since it works by preventing the correct absorption of calcium by the body, in addition to the known side effects of caffeine and other stimulants (tachycardias, heart problems, etc.)
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