When to move to an assisted living community

Nowadays, assisted living facilities are constantly advancing to offer better services to an active cohort of seniors.
Several assisted living communities, such as St Petersburg assisted living communities, offer seniors a comfortable way of living with fitness classes, linen and laundry services, housekeeping services, holistic dining plans, dynamic activity calendars, day trips, and more. Assisted living centers such as St Petersburg assisted living community are equipped to assist seniors in managing daily living tasks, including eating, bathing, dressing, continence, mobility, and personal grooming.
When is the right time for joining an assisted living community?
Americans are today living healthier and longer lives, and many seniors want to live at their homes for as long as possible. However, certain signs may indicate that it is the right time to join an assisted living facility. These include;
Feelings of loneliness
Chronic loneliness and isolation can cause severe health problems for many seniors. Moreover, lack of community can lead to depression, leading to abuse of prescription medication, smoking, and alcohol dependency.
Increase in frailty
According to research, over seventy million Americans aged above fifty years have one or more chronic medical conditions. As they age, the conditions need more care. It is thus better for a senior to join a caring community to prevent any potential crisis.
Financial mismanagement
Most seniors often find it challenging to cope with online payments and pilling bills with age. Moreover, seniors living alone can easily fall prey to scammers putting their retirement benefits at risk.
Poor hygiene
Proper hygiene is critical to the overall health of everyone. The age might make some elderly persons afraid of bathing since around 80 percent of falls happen in the bathroom.