12 Best Flattering Haircuts for Round Faces for Women

The haircut is a good ally to stylize a face with a round shape. There are several haircuts for round faces to make a face look longer. But the basic and most effective is to resort to a haircut that frames it and that provides the effect to lengthen the round contours of some faces.
The goal of stylizing the face is to highlight the most flattering features, such as the eyes or lips. That is, stylizing the face attracts attention to the features we want to highlight. Many of the famous faces have a round shape, and they use some of these haircuts to create the effect of lengthening it.
12 haircuts for round faces
There are many looks and haircuts to take advantage of a round face. There are options for very long, medium, short, and super short hair. In all of them, there is a way to stylize enough to achieve a more elongated face style.
In addition to the ideal haircuts for round faces, you can play with different styles and shades of a dye such as California wicks, balayage, or contouring to highlight your strengths and achieve a greater impact.
1. Extra-long with the middle stripe
If you want to have a long end, you can only comb your hair with the line in the middle. It is unnecessary to make cuts to stylize a round face. You can keep the length and accommodate it a little only.
Comb your hair by separating your hair into two halves, making sure that the front strands go a little towards the face, to frame it. Do not remove it from your face, or pass it behind the ears. This simple trick will allow you to keep your hair extra long and lengthen your face.
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2. Curtain fringe
An option for any haircut is to add a curtain fringe. In this way, you can choose almost any cut for the upper part of the head and neck that suits your taste and hair type, and only add a fringe curtain.
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It is an excellent way to refine the features and make a face look thinner. A fringe curtain is long, goes below the eyes and separates to the sides of the face. It is trending, so you will also be very “in.”
3. Stripe in the middle and paraded tips
For a length at shoulder height, this cut goes very well if you have a round face. It is a versatile cut. It gives movement to your hair and is easy to comb, so it is very practical. The cut is parted in the middle, perhaps with a long fringe at the height of the nose.
But the important thing is that the tips of this cut are paraded, in this way you add movement and texture, so the face looks more elongated. It is one of the best cuts for people with a round face.
4. Wavy Bob
The wavy bob cut is ideal for a fresh, casual, and very trendy look. Although many women do not like to take risks with this cut of the best to lengthen the face and also be fashionable.
A wavy bob extends the line to the shoulders, it goes much longer than the traditional Bob. This touch causes the face to lengthen. If you have wavy hair, this cut is ideal for you.
5. Pixie
A pixie is also recommended for round faces. It is believed that this cuts is only for those with very elongated and thin factions, but it is not. A pixie cut can also help create a stylized effect.
The secret is to leave a little (just a little) longer on the top and comb to the side. You have to let it look disheveled. Seriously, it’s a cut you have to try.
6. Blunt Bob
The blunt bob is a cut that many celebrities have turned to. Actually, this cut suits everyone, and women with a round face are doing great. Especially if you smooth it frequently.
The roots should rise a little and lean more to one side, while the other side of the hair is very crushed. It also looks good with very open waves, so it continues to achieve this stylizing effect for round faces.
7. Medium length with paraded tips
If you want to keep a medium length, you can choose paraded tips. The goal is to remove the volume of the tips. This makes a face look more elongated. With long hair, just work the tips to achieve this goal.
Medium length hair can also be cut in layers, but this would be providing volume that produces the opposite effect. To counteract this, the tips must be paraded. In this way, the alternative of a layered cut can be contemplated.
8. Asymmetric
An asymmetrical cut always goes very well in a round face. The front strands are a little longer than the rest of the hair. If you accompany it with light waves that face the face, you will achieve an extraordinary effect.
This cut makes a face look narrower, and you look very trendy. If you have wavy hair, it could go very well, or if your thing is to walk a little disheveled, it will also favor you like a casual, fun and fresh look.
9. Long Bob
For medium length hair to the shoulders, the long Bob is ideal. It is a variation of the classic Bob but very long, so the front tips reach the shoulders. You can comb it sideways. This will give a more lengthening effect on your face.
This cut can be combined with waves and balayage or contouring. If you do this, you will result in a perfect cut for a round face. It is one of the most appropriate styles to lengthen the features.
10. Short with long pins
A very daring cut that will make you look amazing. It is a pixie cut with a little more volume at the top, but the secret is that the pins are slightly longer.
This subtle touch makes all the difference. It lengthens the face incredibly and is part of a very stylized and elegant look. If you slightly shake it and take it to the side of the face, the effect will be even better.
11. Straight below the shoulders
A classic cut for the less risk is to leave it straight and long. You can add some front strands with very subtle paraded tips, but it requires an extreme straight to achieve the lengthening effect of the face we are looking for.
Californian wicks are also very light and subtle, and perfect straightening is ideal for a round face to look elongated. Let the front tufts fall a little on the face.
12. Volume up
Keep the volume up with a length between the ears and shoulders. Neither so short nor so long. Here the secret is to give volume to the fringe and accommodate it towards the back. This gives volume at the top.
It is a riskier and more rebellious look, but if you dare to use it, you see that it goes very well with round faces because it lengthens them and gives it a stylized effect without losing style. If you are looking for something original, this is the best cut.